Welcome to the journey of Conscious Parenting

Why Conscious Parenting

Though parenting is one of the most enriching experience in our life, in present times it is increasingly becoming difficult to deal with the issues related to it. These issues could be related to your child’s behavior, academics, relationship, uncertain future, health or expectations mismatch. Most of us, as parents, are grappling with some of these issues related to our child and invariably one or more of them crop up in our mind and manifest themselves as worrisome problems for us...

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Nurturing Souls is founded with love by Nikhil Gupta and Rashmi Gupta, along with Sharmila Jain who is MSc in Psychology. Nikhil and Rashmi are parents of a boy who is currently enjoying his teenage. During his elementary school years they realized that loving him profoundly was simply not enough. They wanted to raise wise, joyful, integrated young man and so they began to study conscious, mindful parenting. They have very closely studied the teachings of J. Krishnamurti and also use some of these learnings in their coaching sessions. They have coached numerous parents in last decade and helped them with issues related to parenting. While both of them are MBAs and have worked with corporates for last 20 years, Conscious Parenting has become their passion.

How can we help you

Coaching is available either in-person or online as follows:

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What our clients are saying about us
